Friday, November 9, 2012

Cremation Options

What is this you might ask?  It is an "Urn Arc".  That is, a way in which to present and otherwise display an urn containing cremated remains of a deceased person.  It also provides bars which are used for pall bearers to carry the deceased's remains from place to place.  This can be used at the funeral home, church or graveside.

So many of my families are now turning to cremation for final disposition but they are challenged with still trying to keep some portion or portions "traditional".  Here's one of the best ways to combine tradition with contemporary choices.  Many of my families have their loved ones cremated and then want services.  They know there are people who would want the distinguished honor of being a pall bearer but if there is merely an urn, only one person is needed to carry it and face it, it looks awkward.  With an urn arc, you can have from two to six pall bearers.  Additionally, the funeral home may use a hearse to transport the deceased in the urn arc from place to place giving another symbol of excellence and respect in transporting the remains to its place of final rest.

This is but one way to add a "traditional" sense of the service to an ever increasingly popular choice of cremation.

Ask your funeral director about availability as many funeral homes do not have an Urn Arc.  Our funeral homes do.


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