Thursday, June 7, 2012

Funeral Q & A

I'm a licensed funeral director/embalmer in the state of Connecticut. It always seems like there's a list of questions people have for me once they find out what I do. Many ask me the same question time and time again so I figure I'd like to answer those questions publicly so more people can get answers to their questions and benefit from this knowledge.
Additionally, I will occasionally post tips, little known facts on some of the following topics:
  • Burial versus Cremation: Cost difference, religious implication, common misperceptions
  • Veteran Benefits: What our veterans are entitled to and where to get more info.
  • Pre-arranging and the benefits of doing so: How it protects you and helps make your wishes known to your family.
And of course, I will try to tactfully answer your questions.  If they are of a personal nature, please contact me directly for assistance.
I hope you enjoy this opportunity.

NOTE: While I may mention the funeral service I work for in future posts, this is a blog and intended as such to voice personal opinions, experience and/or product knowledge.  My writings are just that, mine, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, policies, practices or procedures of the company I work for.

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